FAQs - Once in Naples
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enrol ?
English language proficiency
In addition to the formal enrolment procedure, which differs for Italian and foreign students (see BELOW), in order to enrol it is necessary first to undergo an interview to assess English language proficiency. Only the successful completion of this interview entitles the student to ‘unlock’ his or her career and thus the possibility of taking exams.
Registration for the English language proficiency interview should be done by email, sent to the Orientation Office (scienzepolitiche.orienta@unina.it) (in the courtyard, Via Leopoldo Rodinò, 22) - contact person: Mrs. Erminia Morone (erminia.morone@unina.it).
Enrolment procedure: Italian students
Italian students coming from the L16 and L36 Bachelor degree courses may enrol on the SegrePass portal.
If coming from Bachelor degree courses other than those indicated, it is possible to apply for enrolment in the degree course through the approval of a study plan that envisages educational debts in the subject areas judged to be fundamental. The request in this case must be submitted to Mrs. Erminia Morone (erminia.morone@unina.it).
The usual deadline for enrolment is 31 December of the Academic Year in which the student enrols.
Enrolment procedure: Foreign students (EU and Extra-EU)
Pre-evaluation procedures take place from December of the year prior to the Academic Year of enrolment to mid-June of the Academic Year of enrolment. The Academic Year runs from September to August of the following year.
Example: Academic Year 2030/2031. Pre-evaluation opening: December 2029. Pre-evaluation closing: mid-June 2030.
All information about the admission and enrolment procedures is available at the following link:
All documentation collected must be hand-delivered to the Students secretariat (Via Leopoldo Rodinò 30/32), during opening hours.
Information about the Political Science Student Secretariat is available at this link: https://www.unina.it/-/769199-segreteria-studenti-area-didattica-scienze-politiche
First steps as students ?
Institutional email address and access credential to Segrepass
Once the enrolment procedure has been formalised at the Secretariat, within a week, the student will receive an email from the Secretariat to the address he/she provided, which will contain access credentials to the institutional email address of the University of Naples Federico II ([name.surname]@studenti.unina.it).
Using this email address, it will be possible to contact the Secretariat, the teaching and administrative staff and to register for courses on the pages dedicated to individual teachers (https://www.docenti.unina.it/ ).
Within 15 days from the formalisation of the enrolment procedure, the student will receive an email from the CSI to the address he/she provided during the application process. This email will contain access credentials to SegrePass. SegrePass is an online Secretariat platform accessible from any device that allows students to carry out online some of the administrative formalities required by the University of Naples Federico II. For the students, it provides access to services that display and certify data concerning their careers. See next section for more information.
What is SegrePass?
In the life of a student, SegrePass is mainly the tool through which he/she can book the exams listed in his/her study plan. In fact, Segrepass is not just that, but much more.
By accessing the SegrePass Online Secretariat it is possible to obtain information concerning: enrolments, study plans, exams, transfers, fees and taxes etc. It is possible to modify personal data, book exams and print out self-certifications. The service can be accessed by using your matriculation number and pin.
As stated, students enrolled in the first year will obtain their pin at the time of enrolment.
SegrePass main features:
Manage personal data: students can consult their personal data and, if necessary, modify their residence or domicile data and their telephone and mobile phone numbers.
Consult career data: it is possible to review the study plan, educational debts and credits, exams taken and to be taken and the state of payments; it is also possible to view one's previous careers.
Book exams: for all students, it is possible to book exams and print out a booking receipt.
Print certificates: for all students in possession of a PEC box issued by the University, it is possible to request certificates to be sent.
Print self-certificates and examination certificates.
What is a study plan? How can I choose my curriculum?
The study plan is the set of all the examinations you have to take in order to graduate.
Your plan covers educational activities, including:
other activities
The sum of compulsory and optional activities constitutes your study plan.
You can consult the study plan on the Online Secretariat platform and on the Department website. https://www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Piano-di-Studi-LM-52-International-Relations-AA-2023-2024.pdf
Course contents - LM 52 International relations: https://www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Piano-di-Studi-LM-52-International-Relations-AA-2023-2024.pdf
The Master's degree programme in International relations (LM52) is structured over two years, with a differentiation of courses starting in year two. For the second year, there are two curricula: Curriculum “Economic and Cultural Integration” and Curriculum “Security and Diplomacy”.
The choice of Curriculum is made at the beginning of the second year, by filling in the form below and sending it, by means of the institutional email address of the student ([name.surname]@studenti.unina.it), to the Student Secretariat (segrescienzepol@unina.it).
Curriculum choice form: https://www.unina.it/documents/11958/24804618/SPOL_Scelta.curriculum.doc
Teaching activities and calendar of classes
The academic year does not correspond to the calendar year: it begins in September and ends in August of the following year.
Didactic activities consist of classes and examinations. They are generally organised in two semesters, each of which contains time slots expressly dedicated to one of the two types of activity. The first one is from October to January, the second one is from March to June.
Students in the first year of the Master's degree programmes are not allowed to take examinations during the periods dedicated to courses, and should wait until the first ordinary examination session after the end of the lectures.
Examination sessions are organised as follows:
Ordinary sessions (3 examination dates within two months):
Extraordinary sessions (1 exam date in each month):
Classes from September to December, exam can first be taken in January-February (NOT December).
Classes from March to May, exam can first be taken in June-July.
The calendar of didactic activities and examinations are published on the Department's website and on the teachers' websites, by selecting the name of the lecturer in charge of the teaching and the link 'exam dates'.
Examination and booking procedures
The acquisition of credits in the educational activities envisaged by study plans takes place by passing an examination or other profit-checking test.
The examination tests may be divided into several stages (inter-course tests). The type of test is determined by each teacher.
These tests may consist of:
examinations (oral and/or written), the grade for which is expressed in thirtieths (18/30 is the minimum required to pass the exam, 30/30 is the maximum);
proficiency tests that conclude with a pass or fail grade.
Bookings for examinations are made via the SegrePass platform; by logging in with your credentials, you can, in the appropriate section, book examinations and print out the relevant confirmation receipt.
Bookings begin 21 days before and end 7 days before the scheduled examination for each course.
Bookings are not accepted after the deadline.
IMPORTANT: It is mandatory to be in possession of a valid identification document at the examination.
Further steps ?
Tutoring Service
The DiSP tutoring service is based on a peer-to-peer approach: students are assisted by their colleagues from Master's degree and Doctoral courses, who, having already encountered the same obstacles and having brilliantly overcome them, thus mastering the logic and mechanisms of university study, can effectively advise younger students.
The tutors' task is to support students in passing exams, in choosing the most suitable educational pathway for them, as well as in organisational and didactic difficulties (study plans, relations with academic bodies, with the secretariat, etc.).
As a student on a Master's degree course at the DiSP, you can contact a Tutor to:
receive useful study advice;
catch up on some gaps;
work out a plan for your studies;
identify a suitable method for dealing with study and examinations;
choose the subject area and the relevant lecturer to write a final dissertation.
The DiSP tutors are divided into subject areas in order to provide students with the most targeted and knowledgeable support.
The Erasmus+ project provides a scholarship funded by the European Union that enables students to undertake a period of study or traineeship abroad.
The underlying idea is that, by studying abroad with the Erasmus programme, today's young people can build the foundations for a European society based on common values and experiences. The Erasmus+ project enables students to improve their communication skills, knowledge of foreign languages and intercultural competences. In this way, students will develop experience that is particularly valued by the labour market.
Erasmus+ for Learning mobility foresees that students can study for a minimum of three months and a maximum of twelve months at a European university that has signed an agreement with their university of origin, in order to carry out educational activities equivalent to those carried out at their university of origin. Students taking part in the programme, due to the governing principle of parity, will be considered to all intents and purposes to be enrolled at the host university. The host university will not charge any type of fee or university contribution for attendance, enrolment and use of teaching facilities etc.
Erasmus+ Traineeship offers university students and recent graduates the opportunity to carry out a traineeship in other EU member states or in non-European partner countries of the programme, from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 12 months, subsidised by the European Union with a scholarship.
Students planning to carry out the traineeship must first identify the host institution - many of which are already indicated in the list of partners proposed by the Department of Political Science.
Once the host organisation has been found, the student will draw up a document on the activities he or she intends to carry out abroad during the traineeship, which will be agreed between the student and the host organisation and must be approved by the home university and the Erasmus coordinator (Prof. Daniela La Foresta).
Erasmus+ scholarships for learning or traineeship mobility are awarded on an annual basis. For further information on the selection and award procedures, please consult the following link: https://www.unina.it/didattica/opportunita-studenti/erasmus/programma
A curricular traineeship is a training experience aimed at achieving university credits (CFU) and/or points contributing to the degree grade, aimed at the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities closely related to the cultural objectives of the Course of Study and which, under no circumstances, may constitute an employment relationship.
A distinction can be made between different types of curricular traineeship:
1) the intra-moenia curricular traineeship: carried out within the University
2) the extra-moenia curricular traineeship: carried out at Italian or foreign organisations/companies that have an agreement with the University.
The relationship between the University and the company/entity is formalised through an agreement to which an Educational Project must be attached.
The procedure for the activation of curricular traineeships differs according to the type of traineeship the student intends to undertake.
For extra-moenia traineeships:
if the company/organisation where the student intends to carry out the traineeship has already signed an agreement with the University, the student may activate the traineeship through the online procedure on the Collabora platform (https://collabora.unina.it/tirocinistudenti).
Here is the link to active curricular traineeship agreements: http://allegati.unina.it/studenti/tirocini/doc/ConvenzioniAttive.pdf
If the company/organisation where the student intends to carry out the traineeship has not already signed an agreement with the University, the student will propose the activation of an agreement; the student may then proceed as indicated in point 1 above.
For extra-moenia traineeships in foreign countries:
students must apply for the "Erasmus+ mobility scholarships for traineeships" procedure (see dedicated section).
For intra-moenia traineeships:
students must follow the procedures indicated in the calls for curricular intra-moenia placements periodically published on the Department's website.
A traineeship entitles the trainee to the recognition of University Formative Credits (6 CFU) as part of the "Other training activities" envisaged. The duration of the traineeship may vary; in any case, it should be noted that 1 CFU corresponds to 25 hours of activity performed by the trainee (6 CFU=150 hours). It is possible to complete both the "Other training activities" envisaged for the first and second year of International relations by undertaking curricular traineeships.
A student who has already acquired the CFUs attributed to the "Other training activities" may still undertake a curricular traineeship.
In addition to the achievement of CFUs, an internship carried out in Italy confers 1 point for graduation grade purposes, while an internship carried out abroad confers 2 points.
In order to be awarded CFUs and/or points for the degree grade, students must submit a request for recognition of credits and/or points to the Student secretariat (segrescienzepol@unina.it) by filling in the form available at the following link:
For further information, here is the link to the dedicated page on the University website: https://www.unina.it/didattica/tirocini-studenti
Final thesis
The Degree is conferred following the passing of the final test which involves the discussion of a written thesis, drafted in English, on topics related to the knowledge acquired throughout the Degree course, from which emerges ability of systematic, critical and argumentative analysis, under the guidance of a supervisor. The supervisor is usually a member of the academic staff with teaching responsibilities within the Degree course. Supervisors are not assigned by the Department or the Course director. Instead, each student is required to contact a prospective supervisor and agree with her/him the thesis topic and graduation date.
The potential supervisor can either accept or decline the offer of supervising a thesis by one of the students. If she/he accepts, the student is required to submit the Thesis assignment request form, signed by the professor, to Mrs. Erminia Morone (erminia.morone@unina.it), in order to formalize the supervisory relationship. This submission is required within 6 months from the expected date of the thesis discussion.
Thesis assignment request form: