The Master Degree in International Relations is aimed at training a facilitator-mediator skilled in the internationalization process of business, non-profit, NGOs and public institutions.
The course is designed to train graduates with a solid multidisciplinary background, which is essential for analyzing and interpreting the issues related to the international dimension of economic, political and social phenomena.
A professional figure who can offer a competent reading of the international and foreign countries scenarios and is also able to develop and organize the process of internationalization of public and private institutions.
Class of study: LM – 52 International relations
Course type: Master’s degree in accordance with art. 3 DM 270/04
Coordinator: Prof. Pietro Maffettone - mail: pietro.maffettone@unina.it
Admission to the course: Graduate Level 1 and at least a B2 level of English
Course Length: 2 years
Admin Contact: Cinzia Della Monica disp.international@unina.it (to be contacted for admissions of foreign students)
Department Office: Maria Chiaro, mail:machiaro@unina.it
Political Science Student Affairs Office: Bruno Balestrieri, mail:bruno.balestrieri@unina.it
ERASMUS delegate: Prof.ssa Daniela La Foresta, mail: laforest@unina.it
Headquarters: Via Leopoldo Rodinò, 22-80138 – Napoli
Student Representatives
Additional services:
Department of Political Science Library “G.Cuomo”: via Leopoldo Rodino 22

International Relations is the study of interconnectedness of politics, economics and law on a global level

Master’s Degree in International Relations
Admission and Enrollment Procedures for Foreign Students
This procedure applies to EU as well as non-EU students who have already completed their
first-cycle degree (also referred to as Bachelor’s degree).
All admitted foreign students will have to provide proof of the legal validity of their Bachelor’s degree,
which has to be officially stated by the Italian Authorities in the country where it was released, and, for non-EU students, on condition they are in possession of a Student Visa.

Funding Opportunities
Study in Naples will provide 2-year scholarships to foreign graduate students to enroll in International course programs at Federico II.
Call for Selections Study in Naples
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